Articles by Amy Shankland

Driveway goodbyes

Sandwiched My number one prayer involves counting my blessings. It’s important to be grateful for everything the Lord has given us, and I try to thank Him every day. Family…

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A different kind of fireworks

Sandwiched Hopefully Mother Nature was kind to us last evening and we were all able to safely celebrate our nation’s birth with family, friends and, of course, fireworks! My heart…

Scent (cough) of a woman

Sandwiched Growing up, I remember my mother having challenges when she would get close to people wearing certain perfumes or colognes. Some fragrances caused her to have headaches or other…

Where are the hummingbirds?

Sandwiched Today is the last day of classes for students attending Noblesville Schools. And they’re not the only ones celebrating. I can guarantee you that I was gleefully deleting my…

Drawn to older people

Sandwiched I’ve always been drawn to older people, even as a teenager. Perhaps it was due to my strong relationship with my maternal grandmother as a child, but people of…

Moms have the best timing

Sandwiched Some people would be surprised to hear that I don’t keep a lot of books around the house. Like most authors, I love to read. But I typically buy…

Hey, can you grab that door?

Sandwiched With all the excitement lately surrounding the Avengers: End Game movie, my thoughts have turned to my own superhero activities through the years. Not to brag, but I, too,…