Articles by Amy Shankland

Travel, then and now

Sandwiched By the time you read this, I’ll either be traveling to Boston via airplane or will have arrived to start an amazing weekend with a good friend. I’ll be…

Reframe your thoughts

Sandwiched I’ve been grateful to add a tool to my arsenal for lowering stress in the Sandwich Generation. It’s not a new concept, but over the years it’s become easy…

Middle-aged? Bring it on!

Sandwiched I celebrated my 49th birthday this week, which means I’m only one year away from having one of the “big ones.” Although my dear friend Patricia pointed out last…

The Worry Shelf

Sandwiched Have you ever heard of worry dolls? Originating in Guatemala, children tell their worries to these tiny, handmade dolls. Boys and girls place them under their pillow when they…

Memories of the Knapp Shoe Man

Sandwiched Many people from Central Indiana and beyond are flocking to the Indiana State Fair this month, and for good reason. The sights, sounds, activities and smells are second to…

The joys of summer haircuts

Sandwiched He had been postponing it for months but it felt like we had been arguing about it for years. I’m talking about The Haircut for my youngest son, Jacob….