Articles by Amy Shankland

Just don’t give a hoot

Sandwiched Most of us in the sandwich generation are, shall we say, middle aged. Definitions of middle age (or middle adulthood) vary but most of the time it means a…

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Tools for dealing with hot flashes

Sandwiched If you’re in the sandwich generation like me, there’s a strong chance you’re a woman either approaching menopause or in the midst of it. As I’ve mentioned in this…

It’s time for empathy

Sandwiched Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another (Oxford Dictionary). I have to admit, folks, with everything happening in the world, I almost wanted to skip…

Working from home looks different now

Sandwiched I’ve been sympathetic towards the millions of parents who have recently (and unexpectedly) had to work from home with small children. I remember those days all too well and…

Taking control of that weight gain

Sandwiched As promised, I’m going to tackle another subject that many perimenopausal women are facing as they navigate the sandwich generation – weight gain. Many people who aren’t in this…

A parade to remember

Sandwiched We’ve witnessed so many heroic actions throughout this pandemic it’s hard to narrow the list down to just one particular group. I hope you don’t mind me saluting one…

Gray hair, don’t care

Sandwiched Thousands of men and women in Central Indiana will be flocking to their barbershops and salons for some much-needed “corona hair” relief next week. Many women will get back…

Former technophobe changes her ways

Sandwiched My mom’s facility did something wonderful – they helped set up a Zoom call so Mom’s family could visit and see her. When my brother told me about this…