Articles by Amy Shankland

Stop focusing on the one bad thing

Sandwiched As I wrote last week, my childhood best friend, also named Amy, died unexpectedly just a few weeks ago. We were best friends from infancy until I was 16…

Enjoying the “normal”

Sandwiched As many of you know, most of the time I focus on my mother for this column. But there’s another “slice” to the sandwich generation I don’t talk about…

How to get your sleep back

Sandwiched The last thing any caregiver in the sandwich generation needs is a lack of sleep. But that’s precisely what I’ve been facing since February because I am approaching menopause….

Music does wonders for the elderly

Sandwiched I’m a happy gal today. I got to see my mother last Tuesday during one of her facility’s new “sunshine visits”! This took place outside in a tent with…

Just don’t give a hoot

Sandwiched Most of us in the sandwich generation are, shall we say, middle aged. Definitions of middle age (or middle adulthood) vary but most of the time it means a…

Tools for dealing with hot flashes

Sandwiched If you’re in the sandwich generation like me, there’s a strong chance you’re a woman either approaching menopause or in the midst of it. As I’ve mentioned in this…