Articles by Amy Shankland

Memorial Day traditions

By AMY SHANKLAND Sandwiched I can’t help but be excited about the upcoming holiday weekend. Memorial Day has always been special to me. It’s become more important and emotional as…

To my daughter with love . . .

By AMY SHANKLAND Sandwiched Today I have the privilege of enjoying a Mother’s Day tea with my mom at her facility. With Sunday’s weather looking chilly and rainy, I’m excited…

I don’t care, part two

By AMY SHANKLAND Sandwiched I know I have shared many of my sandwich generation struggles with you in this column. However, there are some wonderful things about being this age,…

Switching places

By AMY SHANKLAND Sandwiched I think many people in the sandwich generation will agree with me when I say that one of the hardest things about this role is switching…

High cholesterol? Me?

By AMY SHANKLAND Sandwiched My column has featured many mantras over the past 2 ½ years, one of which is “Take care of yourself so you can take care of…