Atlanta Town Council endorses Robyn Cook for Jackson Trustee

Dear Editor,

The Atlanta Town Council endorses Robyn Cook for Jackson Township Trustee.

Robyn has been the Clerk-Treasurer for the Town of Atlanta for 18 years and has the experience, education and knowledge to bring positive changes to Jackson Township.

As the smallest community in the county we have certainly faced budget challenges. Robyn’s dedication to fiscal responsibility and her understanding of government finance has saved the Town tens of thousands of dollars over the years. In fact, she will be bringing some of this knowledge to her peers from across the state as she teaches a class at the 82nd annual Indiana League of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers conference in South Bend this year.

Some of her duties as clerk-treasurer include annual budget preparation and submission to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance, annual financial reports to the Indiana State Board of Accounts, and payroll and human resource functions. These are duties that are currently being outsourced by the Township. Robyn will be able to offer an immediate savings to the taxpayers in Jackson Township by performing these duties herself, rather than hiring outside the community. In addition to her expertise in government finance and administration, she has a working knowledge of public safety as well and has earned the respect of many of those who serve in that capacity in Hamilton County.

She has the ability to unite people to work together for the good of the community and exemplifies this each year as she co-chairs the Atlanta New Earth Festival which brings together over 600 vendors and 100,000 visitors. Robyn always brings this sense of teamwork to every project which in turn, leads to solutions for the good of the community.

The needy in Jackson Township also fall under the watch of the Trustee’s office. Robyn’s compassion and heart for community will serve the residents of the Township with respect and fairness to all.

While Robyn would be missed in Atlanta, we realize that her knowledge and proven track record for public service will truly be of greater service to all the residents of Jackson Township with her at the helm in the Trustee’s position.


Atlanta Town Council

John Benge

Fred Farley

John Phifer

Jody Price

Pam Van Hook