Atlanta Town Council backs Liz Foley Nelson for Jackson Township Board

Dear Editor,

The Atlanta Town Council wholeheartedly endorses and supports Liz Foley Nelson for Jackson Township Board.

When Liz and her husband Steve Nelson joined our community in 2015 they hit the ground running. Not only did they move their businesses to our community, they chose it for their home as well.

They immediately committed themselves to the community by hiring local business, residents and youth for their projects and continue to do so.

Whenever there is a local event or project you can be assured that Liz and Steve have their sleeves rolled up and are in the trenches working alongside us and donating their resources.

Liz’s proven track record as a successful business woman has been a welcome presence in our community. As a relative newcomer to the area, she has no history with “this is the way it has always been done” which gives her the unique ability to come up with innovative solutions. Her keen business sense and responsibility to fiscal matters have saved countless dollars, making the best use of funds.

The Nelsons presence in Atlanta has been the breath of fresh air we needed. Their arrival has brought about a Main Street revival bringing with it new businesses and residents. We are a Town united in our efforts to create a better community.

We believe that Jackson Township needs this kind of leadership and fresh perspective. It is time to bring all of Jackson Township together to create a safe, welcoming, sustainable environment for all.

We can do this if you vote Liz Foley Nelson for Jackson Township Board on May 8.

Atlanta Town Council