Atlanta reader: Stop being so “delicate”, “easily offended”

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Dear Editor:

I would like to respond to the “No More Men at Work” article.


To quote Jonathan Pie, “We live in the most inclusive, progressive, diverse, prosperous society ever in human history, yet we behave as if we’ve never had it so bad!  We used to REACT to prejudice, now we actively seek it out! Often where it doesn’t even exist!”

I personally have never, NEVER ONCE felt excluded from the construction profession because of a “men working” or “men at work” sign. Men At Work was a popular band for us growing up, for crying out loud!!! Ladies of the 80s, anyone ever feel triggered or oppressed over the name of that band???

What does this achieve???? Who is this helping????

I suggest you pull up your big girl pants, and stop being so damn delicate and easily offended!!! For the love of society, stop this insanity!!!

Gina Sloderbeck


3 Comments on "Atlanta reader: Stop being so “delicate”, “easily offended”"

  1. brandy n dravet | February 28, 2021 at 9:14 pm |

    It sounds to me like Gina in Atlanta is offended. 😉

  2. Mari Briggs | March 4, 2021 at 7:59 am |

    Gina says it very well! I want to see the two women who complained to get in the trenches, get dirt under their painted nails, get dirt on their make up faces and see what working really is. Hard strenuous work is for men not for women whose bodies are not as strong. As Gina said, “Stop this insanity”. I say let men be men as they are “Men Working”.

  3. ” .. Hard strenuous work is for men not for women whose bodies are not as strong … ”

    Aristotle, Saudi Arabia & Ward Cleaver agree.

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