Atlanta invites you to weekend of 200-year-old fun

The Town of Atlanta will get in on the Hamilton County Bicentennial action this weekend with two days chock-full of food, entertainment, and family fun. Come celebrate the history of Atlanta, Jackson Township, and Hamilton County this weekend all over Atlanta.


  1. 10 a.m. parade and welcome ceremony (Former State Rep. Tony Cook will join for this.)
  2. Market on Main Street (Earthly Endearments): The town will have a booth displaying old time wedding items
  3. Town of Atlanta post cards will be given away and can be mailed from the Post Office
  4. Story time at the Library
  5. Boy Scouts will man a tent with Bicentennial giveaways and popcorn
  6. Music Hall jam from 1 to 3 p.m.
  7. Memory Museum in the Town Hall
  8. Pizza food truck
  9. Popup Bakery
  10. Free home tours
  11. Bluegrass Gospel Band at 6 p.m. at the Atlanta Christian Church


  1. Community Church Service with the Wesleyan and Christian Churches; 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. (125 S. Broadway St.)
  2. Free dinner following the church service at Dolles Park Community building. (Any donations will go toward new items for the park.)
  3. Nickel Plate Express Caboose rides for $5 from 1 to 3 p.m.

Also during the celebration on Saturday and Sunday, the Hamilton Heights Middle School art students will paint a mural in the north side of the Community Building.