Assisted living facilities need tech support


This pandemic has made me appreciate the employees at my mother’s assisted living facility now more than ever. They’ve been there to show her care, concern and love each and every day when her family and friends can’t. I’m grateful for the one time a week I can visit, but I wish it could be more.

As I’ve previously shared, we did have a fleeting four weeks in October where we could enter her apartment, with everyone wearing masks and keeping their distance. During that time period, I got that old familiar phone call from Mom.

“Amy, my TV’s not working. Can John come by and take a look?” she asked.

John, my husband, (a.k.a. Technology Guru) was wonderful as usual and kindly stopped by her apartment that evening on his way to a sales appointment. John knew what the problem was even before he entered her apartment. With a press of the input button on her remote, Mom’s television was back in business.

But when I got the same phone call last week, we had returned to having to schedule visits in the front of the facility. I told Mom to try the good old input button and hoped for the best. Thankfully someone on staff figured out the problem for her.

I know Mom’s situation is actually quite common among the elderly – just look up the Amazon Echo commercial from Saturday Night Live on You Tube.

I realize most assisted living facilities do their best for those we love and are probably stretched thin at times with their budgets and staff. But in an ideal world, what they all need is their own Tech Support staff.

Think about it – this would greatly relieve the CNAs and maintenance people from spending their time fixing the following scenarios and so many others:

“My computer’s not working – how can I get it started?”

“Why can’t I get my email on this tablet?”

“Help! The people on my TV are suddenly speaking Spanish?”

I bet this person would be quite busy each and every day. In fact, he or she would probably be the most well-known staff member there!

Alas, I know this can’t be a reality, so we have to do our best with Post-It notes, long phone calls, and the amazingly patient staff members who are already there. Thankfully, companies are recognizing this struggle and have created wonderful products such as the Grand Pad and the Flipper Big Button Universal Remote.

After the past two weeks, I just might invest in the latter.