Aspire achieves full COVID vaccine compliance

Aspire Indiana Health, a nonprofit provider of comprehensive healthcare services in central Indiana, has reached 100 percent staff compliance with COVID vaccination requirements.

As a Medicare/Medicaid qualified provider, Aspire is required to have all its personnel, medical or otherwise, compliant with federal vaccine requirements for the coronavirus. Even before the federal rules came down (and were later upheld by the Supreme Court), the company reached a 70 percent vaccination threshold by spring of 2021.

Now all Aspire employees are certified as fully vaccinated, with a small number receiving exemptions allowed under federal rules.

Aspire undertook a multi-pronged approach to achieve total staff vaccination, combining education, recognition and incentives initiatives.

This included regular communications on the facts and benefits of getting the COVID vaccine; highlighting goals and legitimate concerns raised; and providing multiple cash incentives for qualifying employees who received the vaccine by a certain date, plus additional payments for meeting company-wide goals.

About Aspire

Aspire Indiana Health is a fully integrated nonprofit health system serving central Indiana that addresses behavioral health, primary medical care, substance use disorders, infectious diseases, deaf services, veteran programs, abused/neglected children and social determinants of health such as housing and employment. Aspire is supported by a strong network of community organizations, state/federal entities and generous benefactors. Those interested in partnering with Aspire in making health and well-being a reality in central Indiana are encouraged to email info@aspireindi​