Asa Dunnington book signing tomorrow in Noblesville

Meet local author Asa Dunnington as he signs copies of “Selectively Lawless: The True Story of Emmett Long, An American Original,” from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 1 at Barnes & Noble Stony Creek Marketplace, 17090 Mercantile Blvd., Noblesville.

Asa shares the remarkable story of his larger-than-life uncle who ran with outlaws such as Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson and took Caesar’s Palace for half a million dollars at the age of 62. Long was also known as a moonshiner, gambler and even a killer. But unlike many of his contemporaries, his journey didn’t end in a blaze of guns and fury. Instead, his path took an unexpected turn, and he lived to a ripe age as a changed man.

Don’t miss this special opportunity to grab a signed copy just in time for the holidays.