Another year is upon us and the Fishers Arts Council (FAC) has already laid out plans for the artwork to be on display during 2019 at City Hall.
A total of 12 exhibits in all are to be displayed by artists from Fishers and the surrounding area, including a Senior Showcase in April. Each exhibit will feature a free evening reception during which the public has the opportunity to interact with the artists. This season looks to expand the viewing hours as well.
The exhibits feature print making, photography, calligraphy, fine art to abstract art. While some months focus on a particular theme such as “A Youthful Perspective of Black History: America,” “Trails & Rails,” “Scenes of Indiana” and “Winter Wonderland,” many of the exhibits are designed to showcase the artist without the limitations of a particular theme.
FAC hopes this expands opportunities for artists to showcase their work without requiring them to adhere to a particular theme. The goal of FAC is always to expand opportunities for the artist to share their work with the Fishers community. FAC believes this format promotes that goal.

Photo provided
Here is a more detailed look at the plans for 2019, as provided by the Fishers Arts Council:
Serenity & Abstract: Colors So Subtle; Colors So Free
- Begins Jan. 2; ends Jan. 29
- Location: The Art Gallery at City Hall – daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Free.
This exhibit will feature artwork by Matthew Hurdle and Diane Tracey Lehman. Matt is a Fishers artist who creates contemporary landscapes and dreamscapes in acrylic on canvas. His works grow from imagined places and uses multiple layers of color, alternating soft and bold brushstrokes and textured canvas to evoke a feeling of calm and serenity.
Diane, a resident of Peru, studied art at East Carolina University, concentrating on the human figure and painting. After 20 years of precise portrait work, requiring significant detail, she moved to a more free-form art expressing herself through abstraction. Today, she paints what she feels, “Masses of scribbles, bold strokes of color, scrapes, platters, drips, whatever it takes to express the emotion of a moment. Nothing preconceived because each moment is different.”
Free public reception from 6 to 8 p.m. on Jan. 11 at The Art Gallery at City Hall, Fishers.
A Youthful Perspective of Black History in America
- Begins Feb. 1; ends Feb. 27
- Location: The Art Gallery at City Hall – daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Free.
This exhibit will feature Fall Creek Junior High School Art and History departments and feature large self-portrait installation inspired by artist Kehinde Wiley, commissioned to paint former President Obama and his wife, Michelle. Wiley is a modern painter who captures the spirit of his subject matter.
The exhibit also will feature historical scenes recreated through the eyes of famous artists, such as Vincent van Gogh. Finally, be prepared to learn the history of Black America and those who forged that history.
Additionally, a video presentation will be provided by film maker Demetrius Witherspoon.
Free public reception from 6 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 8 in The Art Gallery at City Hall, Fishers.
Disabilities Awareness Exhibit and Program
- Begins March 5; ends March 28
- Location: Conner Prairie and The Art Gallery at City Hall – daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Free.
The exhibition will feature artwork from a variety of artists, including disabled artists, a resource area and music by Fishers Music Chorus and Miss Indiana. Art will be on display all month at various Nickel Plate Business District businesses, Conner Prairie and The Art Gallery at City Hall.
Free public reception from 6 to 9 p.m. on March 8 at Conner Prairie.
Senior Showcase
- Begins April 2; ends April 27
- Location: The Art Gallery at City Hall – daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Free.
The exhibition will feature artwork from seniors at Hamilton Southeastern and Fishers high schools and will be a judged exhibit with cash awards or scholarships.
Free public reception from 6 to 8 p.m. on April 26 in The Art Gallery at City Hall, Fishers. Held in conjunction with Hope for Happiness on Central Green.
The Art of Print Making
- Begins May 5; ends May 29
- Location: The Art Gallery at Fishers City Hall
The exhibit will feature Sixty-Seventh Street Printmakers, a community of artists brought together by a love of printmaking. The printmakers met at the Indianapolis Art Center where they shared studio time. Now, they are dedicated to sharing their art and various methods of printmaking.
Free public reception from 6 to 8 p.m. on May 10 at the Art Gallery at City Hall, Fishers.
An Eclectic Affair
- Begins June 3; ends June 29
- Location: The Art Gallery at Fishers City Hall. Free.
The exhibit will be part of the Spark!Fishers activities and will feature artwork from a variety of artists choosing the works they wish to share with the public. There are no boundaries on type of art or medium … whatever the mind can image and be reflected in two dimensions. So, very eclectic.
Public reception on June 29 as part of Fishers Spark!Fishers celebration at The Art Gallery at City Hall, Fishers. Noon to 6 p.m.
Arts Crawl: Hamilton County Artists Association Exhibit
Begins July 2; ends July 29. No public reception per se as July 19 will be part of the fifth annual Arts Crawl
New Artists and Others Artists Association Exhibit
Begins Aug. 1; ends Aug. 28. Reception is Aug. 9, but may change if there is a mini Arts Crawl.
Rails and Trails
Begins Sept. 3; ends Sept. 27.
Reception is Sept. 13, but may change if there is a mini Arts Crawl.
Busy Pens and Brushes 2: The Calligraphy Guild of Indiana Members’ Show
Begins Oct. 2; ends Oct. 29.
Reception will take place Oct. 25 as part of Boo Bash celebration.
Scenes of Indiana
Begins Nov. 4; ends Nov. 28
Reception will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. on Nov. 8.
Winter Wonderland 12-6
Begins Dec. 3; ends Dec. 28
Reception will take place from 5 to 7:45 p.m. on Dec. 6 as part of Winter Wonderland festivities.