Art therapy


Sheridan High School Student

Editor’s Note: The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abigayle Williams.

Did you know there are more than 50 different types of therapy in the world? There is therapy for almost everything. Some very common therapies include physical therapy, psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, etc. Some less common therapies include music therapy, emotion-focused therapy, art therapy, etc. Art therapy has many benefits. It allows you to relieve stress, manage behavior, and find a deeper understanding of yourself.

Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses art to improve a person’s mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. It has a lot of uses, including counseling by therapists, healing, treatment, rehabilitation, psychotherapy, and it helps you find a deeper understanding of yourself. Art therapy helps people who have a hard time expressing their feelings through words. It is a great way for them to be able to express and understand their emotions.

When you use art therapy, you can paint, draw, sculpt, etc., while also expressing your emotions. Then, a professional therapist will help you discover the underlying messages that are communicated through your art. This helps the healing process. Art therapy can be an individual or group thing. There can also be numerous art therapists working as a team. Art therapists are trained to detect nonverbal signs or metaphors that are expressed through your art. These are things that are usually difficult to express in words.

There are so many significant benefits for using art therapy. Anyone can use art therapy. It helps you resolve your issues, manage your behaviors and feelings, improve your self-esteem and awareness and helps relieve stress. It even helps kids with developmental disabilities. One great thing about art therapy is that it involves art, which is already relaxing all by itself, but it also encourages people to express their emotions.

I personally would like to try art therapy sometime. I think it would be a great way to relieve my stress and anxiety. I am currently taking an art class at school and I love it. It’s my last class of the day and it’s very relaxing. If I get stressed about a test that I think I failed or an upcoming essay or project, art helps me forget all that for a little while.

In conclusion, art therapy has lots of very beneficial uses. Art therapy is a great way for people to relieve stress, emotions and tension, but it also helps people with behavioral problems, self-esteem issues, finding a deeper understanding of yourself and just relaxing.