Arrowood: Parents can count on Hamilton Heights to provide safe environment for students


Heights Superintendent

We are off and running into our first days of the new school year, less a few minor glitches. We felt we were as ready as we could possibly be under the current circumstances and considering the many changes that have taken place over the past five months on and off our campus. Despite the fact the school environment looks a little different, returning to the class proved to be a special homecoming for students and staff alike.

We understand that most families are in support of keeping our buildings open as long as it is safe to do so. Every day we are faced with heart-wrenching decisions on providing our students the best in education while navigating an array of opposing forces, few of them stable. It will take collaboration and thinking outside of the box to be effective. I want to assure you that you can continue to count on us to provide a learning environment that is as safe as it can possibly be; ensure that your child has the tools necessary to be successful; provide the highest quality education, no matter the platform, and keep lines of communication open.

Our Re-Entry Plan allows us to pivot between various phases and platforms to best meet the diverse needs of all students and their families as circumstances dictate. It also provides new and enhanced safety and health protocols, based on the latest science and data, to help reduce the risk of exposure and transmission of illness on campus grounds. In addition, it outlines the recommended steps to be taken when the school corporation receives notification of a student or staff member who test positive for COVID-19.

By now, I think most of us understand that every one of every age is susceptible to a virus like the coronavirus. Taking personal responsibility and following the recommendations by our local and state public health partners to mitigate risk is our best defense at this point. With that said, let’s all be a little more diligent and observant to trend transmission downward in our community.

Please do not send students to school if they exhibit signs of illness, have had prolonged direct contact with a person testing positive for COVID-19, or while awaiting test results. Families are encouraged to self-monitor for symptoms of the coronavirus including fever, dry cough, body aches, and shortness of breath. If you or anyone in your family is experiencing symptoms in line with COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider for further guidance.

We appreciate our parent’s and community’s trust that we will make the type of decisions and do whatever is best for the safety of our students and staff while providing meaningful and engaging instruction during this pandemic.
