Anti-Spartz billboards appear in Ukraine

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Submitted by Rep. Spartz’s Press Office

Rep. Victoria Spartz on Monday sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray formally requesting an investigation into potential attempts to interfere with her election and threats against a U.S. government official.

As a result of the Congresswoman’s letters sent to the Biden Administration this summer requesting better briefings, oversight and accountability to Congress and the American people on the financial and security assistance to Ukraine for the sake of the heroic Ukrainian people and U.S. strategic interest, some progress has been made. However, these letters have also prompted vicious personal attacks and baseless allegations from some members of the Ukrainian government, including through the almost fully government-controlled Ukrainian media.

Congresswoman Spartz says she believes that some recent developments in Ukraine pose additional threats and require an investigation by U.S. agencies. See the billboard images with Rep. Spartz’s official congressional photo, name and the following statement: “Our president has to purge Russian FSB agents in any kind of office” installed in Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine.

“An attack on a U.S. Representative in the course of performing her constitutional duties is an attack on the American people and requires serious consideration,” Rep. Spartz said.