“I don’t have enough time and volunteer schedules are too inflexible.”

“As the Membership Chair for the Cicero Kiwanis Club, this is the most common reason I hear from people for not volunteering,” Todd Clevenger said. “Between family life and work, it can seem like there’s barely enough time to fit in a social life, let alone volunteer. But the truth is, we are not asking you to volunteer every day or even every week. We are asking you to invest your skills and passion into our community by helping kids who most need your guidance, mentoring, and friendship.”
New members are the lifeblood of every organization. They bring new ideas, increase the organization’s person power, foster organizational growth, prevent member burn out, and take over leadership roles when members leave.
“To be honest, we’ve struggled with membership over the years,” Clevenger said. “The demands of a family, a job, and social life can interfere with the best of intentions to help others. Yet more kids than ever before need our help.”
Clevenger who knows firsthand the incredible value the Cicero Kiwanis Club brings to the community.
Since the late ‘70s, members of the Cicero Kiwanis Club truly believe they are making a difference in the world, in their community, and in the lives of children. They believe everyone can benefit from helping others.
“I too am busy and have my hands full, but I make the time,” Clevenger said. “I make the time because I care about kids and our community. I believe in the Kiwanis mission and that if we care enough, we can make difference. I make the time because I am passionate enough to stop wishing someone would do something for the children who need it most within our community and well, do something.”
The Cicero Kiwanis Club will hold an open house on Saturday, April 29, beginning with breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at the Red Bridge Park Community Building. Cicero Kiwanis is taking this opportunity to showcase the club, services, and the difference it makes locally. It is also looking to bring on new members to join the club to bring more benefit to the surrounding communities and success of its mission.

“Members are the heartbeat of Kiwanis,” said Emily Pearson, a long-time member and current club president. “The passion of our members is what helps the club lend support to area programs, projects and other organizations that bring new hope to children in our communities as well as helping future generations reach their full potential.”
Clevenger agrees. “Our open house is our chance to share the many good things the Cicero Kiwanis Club is doing for our communities.”
This year, the featured speaker is a young man who has been involved in Kiwanis since elementary school and has continued his Kiwanis journey through college.
“His story is inspiring and a testament to why we do what we do as Kiwanis members,” Clevenger said.
Each year, the Cicero Kiwanis Club provides scholarships to graduating seniors form Hamilton Heights. In addition, it supports school clubs, the Hamilton Heights Education Foundation, and programs like the Angel Tree, King’s Treasure, and Riley Children’s Hospital Research to name a few.
If you have any questions regarding the open house event on Saturday, April 29 and/or to RSVP, email Anyone who wants to learn more about the Cicero Kiwanis Club but is unable to attend this event is encouraged to visit the group’s Facebook page at
“I look forward to seeing you,” Clevenger said, “and I think you’ll see why Kids Need Kiwanis and Kiwanis Needs You.”