Always look for the smiles

We never know how much our actions affect others. I often pray that I can find the unexpected smiles throughout the day.
My grandmunchkins often remark that I don’t know a stranger. I stand in line at the grocery. By the time I’ve checked out I have a new friend, either with the cashier or someone who is also in line.
If someone has an unhappy toddler, I try to distract their little one and then reassure the mother that it will get better and that we’ve all been there. If someone gives them the evil eye, I tell them that someone must have pooped in their cereal that morning. I usually get a smile out of them.
Whenever we are at a restaurant Chuck and I seem to always ask our server about how long they have worked there, where they grew up, about the school where they graduated, if they have children and so on. It amazes me the extra service and smiles we get. We just know that everyone has a story. We are interested and we care about people.
The other day I was standing in line at the Courtesy desk at Meijer when the elderly gentleman behind me asked how my day was. I smiled and told them it was a beautiful rainy day. He thanked me for smiling. I told him that it was a habit that I had.
Recently, I was shopping downtown Noblesville and when I went to pay the parking meter I noticed the car beside me had ran out of time on the meter. I popped a quarter in their meter. (I hope that’s not against the law)
Now let me tell you that I believe, what goes around comes around.
I am an extrovert (no surprise) and I do not know a stranger, BUT…I hate to walk into a room where I don’t know anyone and I’m trying to find a seat. One time I had a complete stranger motion for me to come and sit by her. She said, “I saved you a seat.” I smiled. She said that she hated to walk into a room of strangers so she always looks for the person who looks lost and tells them that she has saved them a seat. Now, I do the same.
Kindness is catching. Paying it forward brings you blessings you never would imagine was possible. I look for the small ways I can make a difference in the lives of strangers. It has become an everyday habit.
Last month on my way home from Tampa, the plane was full. It was a late night flight to Indy.  A mother, sitting two seats in front of me, had a wiggly infant. Only a few fussy moments but I could tell she was anxious about him disturbing others.
When we got off the plane I caught up with her and told how cute and well-behaved her son was. She smiled and said she hoped he did not disturb or upset anyone on the plane. She expressed how she had worked to keep him entertained. She smiled again and thanked me. I said, “You got this, pretty momma!”
A word of praise, a smile, a word of encouragement, a random act of kindness, a compliment or an affirmation of a job well done, All take such little effort yet it could make someone’s day. And you know what…it often makes my day when I get such a surprised reaction…and a smile.
Kindness is intentional. I wonder what kind of world we would have if there were more intentional acts of kindness. I’ll just keep wondering and looking. I’ve got smiles to find.