Alex Petty speaks out for Quakenbush as Sheriff

Dear Editor:

My name is Alex Petty and on May 8, 2018 the registered voters in Hamilton County will have their opportunity to vote for the clear choice for Hamilton County Sheriff. Dennis Quakenbush has my full support and endorsement.

I have known Dennis for 16 years and have worked right next to him. Dennis has all the qualities and qualifications for the office of Sheriff. His level of commitment is second to none. He is one of the most intelligent and hardworking cops I have ever known. Dennis is highly educated with an MBA in business management and is well qualified to manage the budget of the Sheriff’s Office. This budget is derived from your tax dollars. Above all, Dennis is committed to the service of the residents of Hamilton County.

Dennis has a good working relationship with the Hamilton County Commissioners, Council and the Prosecutor’s Office. These strong relationships allow him to better serve this community. Dennis is married and has four boys. He is a man of faith and a lifelong resident of Hamilton County.

I would never take the leap to endorse a government agent unless I was fully committed to their vision and leadership. My candidate must have all the proven qualities for the office and have a true passion to serve. My choice must show the three qualities that a person must have in their life. The person must be inspired, excited and grateful for what they have. Dennis Quakenbush has all three.

On May 8, 2018, I will go to my polling place and vote for Dennis Quakenbush. I ask that you select the same man.

Your vote matters.

Alex Petty


2 Comments on "Alex Petty speaks out for Quakenbush as Sheriff"

  1. Ever wonder why it’s only (with the exception of Jason the Giggilo) people who don’t currently serve under Quakenbush that support him. Leadership can only properly be measured by those supposedly “led.”
    Yet another case of a lazy cop who doesn’t want to be forced to follow standards. Dennis will let things be as they are and allow Detectives to look unprofessional and separate themselves from the rest of the department, at taxpayers’ expense. Detectives at the Sheriff’s Department used to look sharp when Kevin Jowitt ran the show. Perhaps that’s why he’s moved on to bigger and better things while many of his subordinates have faded away or become stagnant.
    This guy lost his dog years ago because he was too lazy to meet standards, even after multiple concessions were made. Then, as many later assigned to Investigations, he gets rewarded with a promotion over more qualified but less conformist applicants.
    Quakenbush is a good man, but a poor leader, manager, or motivator. He has surrounded himself with politicians who wish to run him and his Office and folks of poor moral character. Many of his biggest supporters could be featured on the next episode of Cheaters and are not the folks I want leading our next Sheriff’s Department.
    Look into the personal lives of the former juvenile commander, former jail commander (and candidate), chief deputy, and investigations commander. It IS your business with how each live their lives and view morality. Nothing punitive has happened to any of them. Three of them have had improper encounters on duty. The great Mark Bowen chose to do nothing.
    Stop accepting endorsements and money from immoral and ineffective people Mr. Quakenbush! Their shame and reputation splatters on you as well when you surround yourself with them.

  2. Shirley Evans | May 1, 2018 at 10:10 pm |

    Yet another Clifford monkey speaks !

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