Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill, co-chair of the Indiana Executive Cybersecurity Council’s Legal and Insurance Working Group, on Tuesday warned Hoosiers and especially business-owners to take proactive measures to protect online security. Cyberattacks, he said, are near an all-time high.

“These malicious efforts are coming in the form of phishing attempts, malware attacks and ransomware demands,” Hill said. “They are a concern for both the public and private sectors. My office takes very seriously the security of all Hoosiers and the companies where they work. We will continue to do everything possible to ensure the online safety of Indiana residents.”
To that end, Hill urged Hoosier businesses to complete a cyber risk planning survey. While many businesses will receive mailings, anyone may find the survey online. The survey should take no more than 25 minutes and will help the Indiana Executive Cybersecurity Council better understand the cybersecurity threats Indiana is facing.
Several high-profile data breaches in recent years – involving such large companies as Equifax, Neiman Marcus and Premera – have served as stark reminders of dangers lurking online. Data breaches sometimes destroy companies’ ability to even stay in business.
“Our goal is to identify barriers that prevent effective cyber-risk planning,” Hill said. “Further, we want to encourage Hoosiers to be proactive when it comes to cybersecurity rather than simply reacting to issues once they arise.”
That starts with assessing measures already in place to protect cybersecurity and making improvements if such measures are found to be deficient.
The Indiana Executive Cybersecurity Council is working in collaboration with researchers at Indiana University and the University of Arizona to explore how Indiana organizations perceive and manage cyber risks. To participate in the online survey, go to
This survey takes no more than 25 minutes to complete. The responses provided will only be reported in the aggregate. Participation is entirely voluntary, and those participating are free to terminate the survey at any point.