Advance HSE group relaunches to support operating referendum


Advance HSE, the group that successfully led the 2016 referendum, has been relaunched. The committee, composed of parents, teachers, and community volunteers, is now focused on generating public support for the continuation of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools (HSE) operating referendum renewal at a reduced rate, which is set to appear on the Nov. 7 ballot.

This referendum seeks to ensure the continuation of teacher salaries, student safety measures, and a diverse range of course offerings that underpin the exceptional educational experience provided by HSE. A ‘Yes’ vote signifies the preservation of HSE funding and leads to a decrease in the impact on property tax bills.

In an unprecedented combined meeting, the HSE Board of Trustees and the Fishers City Council passed joint resolutions backing the proposed school district operating referendum. This proposal is expected to reduce the cost of the referendum for homeowners by nearly 20 percent in 2024.


“The success of our schools is synonymous with the success of our community,” Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness said. “Investing in our schools through this referendum should be a priority for every voter this November. I encourage our entire community to come together and support our top-tier school district.”

The referendum on the Nov. 7 ballot is a renewal of the successful 2016 referendum, with the maximum tax rate being reduced. Voting yes will not lead to a tax increase for residents; on the contrary, homeowners will experience a substantial 19.1 percent reduction in the impact of the referendum starting in 2024. This referendum will ensure that HSE schools can continue to fund educational, academic, and safety programs, maintain class sizes, and attract and retain excellent teachers.

Co-chairwomen Sneha Shah and Laura Smoots will lead this grassroots effort, aiming to rally robust support for the operating referendum renewal.



“Advance HSE is a group of staunch advocates for HSE Schools, working tirelessly to provide a safe, high-quality educational environment for our youth so they can excel at the highest level today and in the future,” Smoots said.

“We are thrilled by the overwhelming number of volunteers who have joined our cause so far,” Shah added. “We welcome and encourage all residents of the school district to get involved and support the referendum.”

To actively participate and stay informed, visit the Advance HSE website at

About Advance HSE
Advance HSE is a volunteer-led committee comprising parents, teachers, and community members, which successfully ran the 2016 referendum. The committee is now advocating for the renewal of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools operating referendum at a reduced rate, with a focus on maintaining the high-quality educational environment that HSE is known for. The organization is supported by donations. No tax dollars are used.