My fingertips were itching to tap the keyboard. I had so much to say … but I refrained.
Social media postings were battling it out. Comments were thrown like punches. I wanted so badly to add my two cents worth. I kept hearing, refrain, refrain, refrain! So, I did.
Before writing this column, I read a verse in the Psalms and almost spit out my coffee, sweetened with Chobani’s Sweet Cream. It was perfect timing.
It said, “I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth.” Psalm 39:1
That verse was David complaining about how God was treating him. Although my column was totally off that subject, it was so relatable to my thoughts.
How often have I jumped into a conversation/debate in which my thoughts weren’t necessary? My response would not change anyone’s mind. It might add fuel to the firestorm taking place on social media.
Have you noticed an uptick in firestorms lately? Sports. Politics. Religion. Traffic. Is anyone listening? I think you know the answer. Is all the rhetoric changing minds or agendas or making a difference? I think you know the answer.

Photo provided by Janet Hart Leonard
Just because I have an opinion does not mean I have to let the world know. I’m laughing as I type because I write an opinion column in a newspaper.
I always try to be positive and helpful, at times, even making my readers laugh. Laughter is needed in today’s society, where we all take things so seriously.
Words matter. Words can make a difference to a struggling soul. We live in a world where we are all struggling.
So why all the yelling? I can hear my mother saying, “Why all the bellyaching?” Is it going to change things?
You would think some people get paid to carry around a gas can and are looking for the next fire to add it to.
After writing this column, I’m going to feel like I can’t or shouldn’t contribute my thoughts to a discussion even more. I’ll do my best to consider the weight of my opinion.
I’ve gotten wiser about sharing my thoughts when I’m in a group of people. Perhaps that comes with age. Even when asked my opinion, I don’t always give it. Two questions I ask myself: Will it help? Will it hurt?
If I’m itching to give my opinion, I ask myself a third question: Will it stir the pot? Do you know how manure stinks if stirred? She who stirs will get a little stink on her, said my mother.
Here’s another thought: just because an opinion is popular, does that make it right? Hmmm. I’ve learned to ask myself the question … but what if I am wrong?
The definition of refrain is keeping oneself from indulging in something, especially from following a passing impulse.
Perhaps we could all do well with more refraining and less opinionating. At least, that’s my opinion.
Now, about that muzzle …
Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit
Is it kind? Is it true? Is it Necessary? If it doesn’t meet that criteria, then it doesn’t need to be said. That was what my Girl Scout troop taught.