A special April shower

(Standing, from left) Janine Cowell, Cathy Lundeen, Terry Rinehart, Leigh Ann Clayton, Linda Schutte and Susie Kaser. (Seated, from left) Cathy Schulthorp and Leslie Carothers. (Photo provided by Janus)

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They say that the kitchen is the heart of the home. For many people, the kitchen is a source of warmth, nourishment and a place where people instinctively gather. We all feel such a powerful connection to this special area which provides us with a strong sense of well-being.

This is true of the Janus Capabilities Café kitchen, a unique place where simple cooking classes become crucial life skills and learning experiences which can help pave the path to a community job and increased independence. The Janus kitchen is also the place where the Capabilities Café team work their magic, preparing food and creating amazing menus for the Janus Community Luncheons each month.

Janus is fortunate to have the “For the Love of Janus” Guild. This special group of volunteers spends a great deal of time in the Janus kitchen preparing for holiday parties and special events for the people Janus serves. The volunteers could see that the Janus kitchen needed several new items and wanted to help, so they got together and held a special “April Shower” for the Capabilities Café kitchen.

Guild President Cathy Lundeen said, “The Guild is like a secret army of elves who come in to fill any voids or needs and give moral support. We have an amazing group of responsive and caring people.”

The shower provided many needed items such as kitchenware, dishcloths, food storage containers and much more. After the shower, the volunteers went to work and cleaned, organized kitchen items and labeled shelves.

Thanks to this special group of Janus supporters, the Capabilities Café kitchen now has many much-needed new items and will be able to continue to provide the learning experiences needed to support Janus participants to live more independent and self-fulfilled lives.

For more information about the “For the Love of Janus Guild” or for an invitation to a Janus Community Luncheon, please contact Joanne McDonough, Development Manager at (317) 773-8781 or jmcdonough@janus-inc.org.