A slow process for redevelopment plan

The County Line

The old adage about the wheels of government turning slowly is so, so true. Certainly, part of the reason is our system, which calls for multiple approvals, making sure that all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed.

Another small step in the process of getting a big downtown Noblesville project underway was taken Monday when county commissioners signed final approval of the sale of a city block at White River and Conner Street. Now only a parking lot for county employees, the three-acre tract is to become a major riverfront development by the Republic Development Corporation.

To replace that parking lot, the county is planning a multi-level parking garage at 8th and Clinton streets, but that project cannot start until the City of Noblesville approves Republic’s plans for their development.

City spokesmen claim they have no information on plans for Republic’s proposed $50 million multi-purpose development. That seems strange, but in any event, nothing apparently moves until plans are approved which takes planning department review, etc., and probably city council approval.

Meanwhile, in Monday’s commissioner meeting, another different kind of project was proposed. Brenda Myers, County Tourism director, asked commissioners to authorize a County Bicentennial Commission to properly mark Hamilton County’s upcoming 200th anniversary.

Even though the bicentennial is not until 2023, Brenda knows how long it can take to get such things underway, so she is starting early. Probably a good idea. Commissioners took her request under advisement until next month.

The Tourism Bureau and historical groups hope to produce a major celebration of the county’s founding which occurred in 1823. The city of Noblesville was founded the same year.