This week’s episode of The Omnibus Show featured the Honorable Judge David Dreyer (Ret.) for the Marion County Superior Court, along with Rick Markoff of the Carmel Rotary Club and the 2021 Rotarian of the Year.
This edition of the podcast focuses on their friendship and what developed as a deeper loyalty, hearing about the attacks on 9/11 while having breakfast in Indianapolis. In this season of deep cultural division, these two men with different backgrounds discuss the value of friendship and how tragedy and difficulty can forge greater bonds.

Judge Dreyer earned his J.D. degree from the Notre Dame Law School. Throughout the years, he has served in many roles and has received many honors in those positions. Much of his work has been pro bono, and he won the Pro Bono Publico Award from the Indiana Bar Foundation in 2004 and the Randall T. Shepard Award from the Indiana Pro Bono Commission. In 2010, he received the Civility Award from the Indiana State Bar Association. He has worked with several schools with their law programs, including IUPUI, Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis, and the University of Nevada–Reno National Judicial College.
Dreyer has worked as an attorney in private practice, as a staff attorney, as Special Counsel to the State of Indiana, as Chief Counsel to the Marion County Prosecutor, as Judge for the Marion County Superior Court, and since 2020, as a Senior Judge.
Dreyer is a member of the Rotary Club of Indianapolis and has served on the Rotary Education Week Equity Awards Selection Committee, as well as serving as a Rotary Club of Indianapolis Foundation Board Member.
It was Judge Dreyer who officiated the renewal of wedding vows for fellow guest Richard Markoff, and his wife, Beverly.

Richard Markoff, Ph.D. has a long history with The Rotary Club. Leadership Connection was one of his focuses through Rotary. This branded event of the Rotary Club of Carmel grew under his leadership to enhance the lives of and provide mentoring to many students in Carmel and Indianapolis communities. His creation, The Greatest Conference Never Held, is utilized as a model for Rotary Club programming throughout Indiana. Markoff was named Carmel Rotary Club Rotarian of the Year for 2021-2022.
Markoff’s life and career have been full of various positions and activities. He was the founding President of the Damar Foundation which raises funds to support Damar Services, serving children and adults with behavioral and developmental disabilities. He served as Executive Vice President of the Simon Youth Foundation. Prior to this, Dr. Markoff was in the Office of the C.E.O., Government and Community Relations, for the American Red Cross of Greater Indianapolis. Prior to moving to Indianapolis in 1995, Dr. Markoff was President of the St. Vincent Medical Center Foundation in Toledo.
As a Field Artillery officer in the U.S. Army, he was awarded the Bronze Star and Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm. Dr. Markoff was recognized by The University of Toledo College of Education with its Distinguished Achievement Award. He has spoken at more than 50 high school graduations from Massachusetts to Washington, Florida to Texas.
He is the author of Million-Dollar Moments and the Amazing Professionals Who Helped Make Them Possible.
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