Callbacks announced for girls state track

Carmel’s Audrey Ricketts runs her leg of the 4x800 relay. The Greyhounds would go on to win the relay, setting a new regional record of 9:12.32. Ricketts also received a callback to state in the open 800. (Kent Graham)


Hamilton County earned eight callbacks to the girls state track and field meet on Wednesday.

The callbacks were determined after all of the results from the eight regionals around the state were tabulated, including top three finishers and those that qualified via the state standard. Callbacks are used to ensure there are 27 entries in each event at the state meet, which takes place Saturday, June 3 at Indiana University.

Here are a list of county callbacks, as well as a collage of photos from Tuesday’s Lafayette Jefferson regional.

4×100 relay: Westfield, Hamilton Southeastern.

800 run: Audrey Ricketts, Carmel; Brinkley Cooper, Noblesville.

200 dash: Jocelyn Davis, Hamilton Southeastern; Chloe Senefeld, Hamilton Southeastern.

3200 run: Brooke Lahee, Noblesville.

4×400 relay: Noblesville.

Girls Track Regional
Girls Track Regional
Girls Track Regional
Girls Track Regional
Girls Track Regional
Noblesville’s Hannah Alexander swept both throwing events, setting a new regional record in the discus (151 feet, 4 inches) along the way.

Reporter photos by Kent Graham