Shaffer says Carmel police & fire reports raise serious concerns

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Dear Editor:

Two Carmel city reports paint a sobering picture of the city that spends so much money burnishing its image.

On page 23 of the Carmel police department’s 2022 annual report, four of the top 10 police incidents are at five-year highs: theft, death investigations, child abuse and neglect cases, and child sex crimes.

Page 85 of the Carmel Fire Department “Standard of Cover” report shows 9,334 incidents during 2022, of which 2.27 percent (212) were fire runs.

In 2021 there were only 8,509 incidents, of which 1.66 percent (141) were fire runs.

Two years do not make a trend.

But they do provide a serious point of concern, especially for those running for city council who have pledged to continue city operations as they have for the past generation.

Bill Shaffer