Four Fishers schools win awards at We the People national competition


Fishers Junior High School and teachers Mike Fassold and Tony Sturgeon won second place in the We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution National Invitational. Fourteen middle schools from across the nation participated in the Zoom-based competition April 20 to 24.

Fall Creek Junior High School and teachers Patrick Bradshaw and Jeanne Medeiros, and Fort Wayne Woodside Middle School and teacher Andrew Haff, won unit awards.

Fishers High School and teachers Liz Paternoster and Matt Follman, and Hamilton Southeastern High School with teachers Janet Chandler and Alana Kane competed in the High School Nationals. Forty-eight classes from across the country participated. Fishers High School earned an award for being the top school in their division.

The Indiana Bar Foundation administers the We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution program in Indiana.

“We are proud of these exceptional students, their teachers, and school communities for being such great ambassadors for Indiana,” Indiana Bar Foundation President & CEO Charles Dunlap said.