Duke Energy provides STEM learning tools for Carmel Elementary third graders

(Back row, from left) CEF Executive Director Jennifer Penix, Duke Energy Community Relations Manager Mark LaBarr, and Carmel Elementary School STEM Instructor Ann Hepp with third-grade class showcasing STEM kit materials. (Photo provided)

Carmel Education Foundation (CEF) has connected the Duke Energy Foundation with Carmel Elementary School in support of STEM learning for third grade students.

Duke Energy Government and Community Relations Manager Mark LaBarr arrived at Carmel Elementary on March 28 with a box labeled: !WARNING! CONTENTS ARE EXTREMELY AWESOME!

The box did not disappoint as Carmel Elementary STEM teacher Ann Hepp and third-grade students dove into the box to discover air cannons, marshmallows, USB digital microscopes, magnets, film canisters, light-emitting diodes, and so much more. All materials relate to activities focused on hands on learning lessons including air power, catapults, and paper circuit robots. There are 11 separate units included in the box, all of which include activity cards, materials, and planning guides to benefit 200 students.

LaBarr shared these resources as part of Duke Energy’s commitment to science education in elementary classrooms. Recently, Carmel Clay Schools has integrated a STEM-focused teacher in every Carmel school. In the elementary schools, every class visits the STEM lab once a week to learn age-appropriate curriculum and to create simple and complex projects involving creative thinking, scientific principles, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Hepp said she was delighted to receive the donation from Duke Energy.

“These resources are incredible – they create excitement for kids and that is a key component of learning,” Hepp said. “We are grateful for the support of Duke Energy and for Mr. LaBarr’s visit to our classroom.”

While visiting, LaBarr shared about how important energy is in every aspect of our lives. Students chimed in about what energy is used for and ideas about how the materials could be used to learn.

“Our company is committed to creating a more vibrant economy by investing in our future workforce early on,” LaBarr said. “We know firsthand that STEM is the backbone to many career opportunities, including those here at Duke Energy, and we’re proud to support these students and Carmel Clay Schools.”

CEF has worked with the Duke Energy Foundation in multiple projects impacting students throughout the district.

“This donation is another example of the commitment Duke has to our community, in particular our young people, and we are proud to have Duke as a community partner,” CEF Executive Director Jennifer Penix said. She said she will continue to work with LaBarr to create opportunities for student and teacher engagement in the exploration of career pathways for students related to energy and conservation.

About the Carmel Education Foundation
One of the oldest foundations of its kind, the Carmel Education Foundation was created to help Carmel Clay students achieve their full potential. Since 1966, the Foundation has awarded over $2.1 million in college scholarships to Carmel High School seniors and over $850,000 in education grants to inspire lifelong learning for Carmel Clay students. CEF is governed by a volunteer board of directors who give their time and energy to accelerate the Foundation’s mission by funding grants, awarding more than 80 scholarships annually and expanding resources for Carmel Clay Schools. More information can be found at ccs.k12.in.us/foundation.

About the Duke Energy Foundation
The Duke Energy Foundation provides philanthropic support to meet the needs of communities where Duke Energy customers live and work. The Foundation contributes more than $2 million annually in charitable gifts to Indiana and is funded by Duke Energy shareholder dollars. More information about the Foundation and its Powerful Communities program can be found at duke-energy.com/Foundation.