Schwartz elected Council president in split vote

Steve Schwartz, Noblesville, was elected Wednesday as president of the Hamilton County Council on a 4-3 second ballot vote which revealed the deep division between factions on the seven-member council.

Traditionally the presidency of the council is rotated among the members. While under this arrangement it was Schwartz’s turn to lead the council this year, outgoing president Fred Gwynn called for a secret paper ballot when members first voted.

Councilor Brad Beaver was nominated for president by councilor Rick McKinney. In the council’s first secret ballot in memory, a 3-3 tie resulted with one abstention. The second ballot produced a 4-3 victory for Schwartz who then nominated Beaver for vice president, and he was elected.

By state law secret ballots are prohibited in public meetings, but Schwartz asked that the second ballot be taken by individual voice vote, making his election legitimate.

The council as fiscal body of the county has voted unanimously on many issues, but on some critical or controversial items the split has become obvious over the past few years. All seven members are Republicans.

In other action, the council re-appointed Carol Carley, Carmel, to the county Alcoholic Beverage Board. Appointed to the Hamilton County Economic Development Commission was Jim Ginebaugh, Noblesville, and to the Westfield Economic Development Commission was Joe Duepner.