Mayoral candidate Scott Willis has “unique” vision for Westfield

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Dear Editor:

Over the nearly 20 years I have lived in Westfield, I have watched our community transform from a small town to a city of 50,000. I have heard concerns from residents in all corners of Westfield about what our city will look like in the next 10 to 20 years.

Westfield’s growth has outpaced our infrastructure in many ways, and we lack a commercial tax base to ensure we can keep up with this growth and keep taxes low for our residents.

Westfield moving forward needs a roadmap for development. This includes our downtown, the State Road 32 corridor, the area around Grand Park, and the Monon Trail.

My vision for our city is to create something different and unique that sets us apart from our neighboring cities. Something that fits our culture and respects our history. This vision involves seeking input from residents and local business owners to help create a thriving community where you can raise your children, send them off to college, and see them return home to raise their families.

I care about our residents and our city’s longevity and identity. We are at a pivotal point in Westfield’s history, and we are running out of time to be intentional and thoughtful in our growth. We have one chance to get this right. Decisions made over the next four years will set us on a course that will determine our city’s future.

Westfield needs smart, experienced leadership in order to ensure we take the right path. Our city needs a visionary leader who can hit the ground running on day one. I feel as though I am uniquely qualified to ameliorate our city government so that it works for the people and creates a community that will thrive for generations to come.

Scott Willis
Westfield City Councilor & Candidate for Mayor