Shaffer calls on voters to reject “bully boy politics”

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Dear Editor:

At the Carmel Republican mayoral debate, candidate Sue Finkam said:

“Many, many professionals call us and say they get calls directly from Councilman (Kevin) Rider saying they will not do business with the city of Carmel if they donate to our campaign, period.

“We’ve also had people who’ve attended events of ours who have gotten calls the next day and gotten threats because they’d attended our campaign events.”

Rider has not denied the claims. In politics, silence is confirmation.

Three questions arise:

  1. What kind of man tries to intimidate a lady?
  2. If donors gave Finkam’s campaign money and were later denied city contracts, would a court convict a city official of extortion?
  3. What will Carmel voters do in response?

Common to all three questions is an obvious question of moral integrity.

Let’s hope Carmel voters reject gutter-level bully boy tactics.

Bill Shaffer