Watching the game from the sideline

Sheridan High School Student

The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams.

These sports seasons were not what I was expecting them to be after I tore my ACL a couple games into soccer season. I was not expecting to be out all year, but I made the best out of the season.

I learned a lot while being on the sidelines. I saw parts of both soccer and basketball that I had never seen before or even thought about. I was able to see the coaches’ perspective and how they view the game. I have never been hurt to where I couldn’t play in a game, let alone an entire year, so sitting on the sidelines was new to me. There were different parts of both seasons that were harder, but I think sitting out definitely made my knowledge of the games better and improved me as a player.

During soccer season, I was not able to move around very well, but I was still able to be a part of the game and be involved. Soccer season was definitely harder to be on the sidelines because I was not used to being hurt yet. I was still able to see a part of the game I never had before. I was able to listen to the coaches from the bench. I was able to see things that I would have never noticed before. I was able to see the way my teammates play in a way I never have before. I was able to see my teammates’ strengths and weaknesses.

Basketball season was easier to be on the sidelines because I had not started to play yet. I was able to see a part of basketball I have never seen before. It was good for me to be able to watch the coaches and listen to their opinions on the game. I was able to watch the game and see what needed to be changed.

During the games I was able to start noticing defenses and what offenses were better against them. I could also read my teammates’ attitudes as well. I could tell when someone was hurt or needed to come out.

I enjoyed sitting on the bench next to Kat and Seright because I could listen to their points of view on the games. I also learned how to keep stats and it made me more aware of different aspects of the game. I was able to see why the coaches emphasized what they emphasized because of how important it is.

Even though I would have rather played, I enjoyed sitting on the bench learning a new part of the game so I can be better when I come back.