Noblesville Civil War novelist Kevin Yaney to present at Rotary Club

A Call to Arms, the first book of The Fourth of July trilogy. Kevin Yaney will sign copies of his new book on Oct. 27 at the Adler Building in Noblesville. (Photo provided)

Yaney will talk about the importance of the Civil War for today’s society  

Noblesville resident and business owner Kevin Yaney will make a presentation at the Noblesville Rotary breakfast meeting at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 16 at Ginger’s Café, 1111 S. 10th St., Noblesville.


Yaney is an author and has just published The Fourth of July, a trilogy of historical fiction books set during the Civil War. The author will be signing books at the event. The breakfast event is open to the public.

The three books of The Fourth of July trilogy tell the story of Louisa McLain and her two sons, George and Will. Sixty years after the war, on the Fourth of July, Louisa is in a nursing home, reading letters her sons sent her during the conflict. As the story unfolds, it is discovered that both George and Will were recruited as Union spies. They were sent perilously behind enemy lines, dressed as Confederate soldiers. They also became part of the abolitionists’ movement through the Underground Railroad, running slaves out of the South to freedom.

The books explore the complicated issues of the day, particularly slavery and the radical abolitionist movement to eradicate it by any means. It also reveals the strong ties of family and faith that those scattered by the atrocities of war will be reunited. If you enjoy history, the books are very true to actual events.

Yaney will talk about Indiana’s connection to the war and how economics and politics around the issue of slavery brought about the conditions that caused the divide that resulted in the Civil War. He will also talk about the impact the Civil War has had on us today.

For more information on the books, go to

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