Former elite runner, dietitian to open Westfield brewery


The owners of a future brewery in central Indiana admit the business is the dream of an unlikely source.


The Dikos couple broke ground on Field Brewing in their hometown of Westfield. Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Jackie Dikos and her husband who is a physician have designed the restaurant to feature local, high quality ingredients.

“A lot of people associate [breweries] with excessive alcohol consumption and maybe a bad connotation at times but I’d like to just reiterate that we are embracing the craft behind food and beer and liquor and kind of all of it into one package,” Dikos said. “I want people to walk in and feel like they can trust the source of food and the ingredients and walk away feeling good.”

The couple hopes to fill a void they say exists in their corner of Hamilton County.

“There’s more of that presence, maybe the closer we get to downtown and maybe slightly north but Westfield’s growing and it needs more restaurants like this to accommodate the growing population that’s here,” Dikos said. “[We] thought that what greater place to really fuel our community.”

While planning for Field Brewing to open in April 2018, Dikos also worked to fuel her community through another venture.

The former competitive runner published her first book, “Finish Line Fueling: An Essential Guide to Runner’s Nutrition” in November. Dikos’ accomplishments include winning the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon in 2010 and competing twice in the marathon Olympic trials.

“I work with competitive athletes at the elite level all the way to your weekend warriors to just people trying to combat everyday wellness and sickness issues,” Dikos said of her work as a dietitian and sports nutritionist. “My goal was to make it really diverse. It’s ultimately a book for runners but it’s runners who maybe, it’s just someone who runs a couple miles a week and it’s general fitness because there [are] wellness concepts that apply to everyone whether they’re an athlete or not.”

Dikos describes the book and the future brewery as having something in common; they both promote eating homemade.

Field Brewing will be located on the southeast corner of Main and Cherry streets in Westfield.