Close Your Eyes and Imagine …

Sheridan High School Student

The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams.

Life as a high school sophomore can be difficult. School, social, and family life can be very draining at times. Everyone has their own way they handle stress: some people draw, some play an instrument, and some can just talk about what they’re going through.

For me, my outlet is writing poetry. Through my poems I am able to express my feelings in a way I cannot do otherwise. I wrote this particular poem during a very rocky time in my life; I was so overwhelmed that all I wanted was to flee to a place with no expectations or obligations. I wanted to be able to appreciate God’s handiwork in nature and marvel at His beautiful creation without being overshadowed by my other responsibilities.

Close Your Eyes and Imagine . . .

Feel the gentle, cool breeze
Brushing the tops of all the trees
It makes the lavender flowers sway
In the most serene, calming way
Their delicate petals brush your feet
Their delightful aroma is fragrant and sweet
Beyond the prairie of luscious flowers
A giant, snow-capped mountain towers
It dominates the surrounding view
With sunbeams reflecting in the most beautiful hue
Far above that an amethyst sky
Continues endlessly with clouds floating by
Fluffy clouds meander forth
You sigh contentedly in the warmth
Closing your eyes, you wonder if
Days like this are only a myth
But as you kneel before the bluff
And feel the wind huff and puff
You realize that when times get tough
Closing your eyes can be enough
Enough to take you far away
From the troubles of day to day
Just think of the way the lavender sways
And imagine that you get to lay
In a soft bed of petals today
As you soak up every sunray
So if you ever need to escape
The problems you are forced to take
Every day, every week
You do not even need to speak
The only thing that you should do
If you are starting to feel blue, is to
Close your eyes and imagine . . .

1 Comment on "Close Your Eyes and Imagine …"

  1. This is a beautiful poem and it has a wonderful message if we just listen to it and do what it says I think you had to have a future in poetry good luck to you Wanda

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