Noblesville teens looking to trek to National Toboggan Championships

Photo provided by Jill Coyne / GoFundMe

Noblesville sophomore students Shepard, Max, Gabe, Carter, and Keegan are raising money to attend the U.S. National Toboggan Championships. They usually focus on football, but they also are serious toboggan competitors. The young men plan to travel more than 20 hours to compete in the national championships in Camden, Maine, next month.

With the help from their teacher, Geoff Davis, they are building their own 10-foot-long toboggan for the competition. Jill Coyne has started a GoFundMe to help the boys with materials and acquire the appropriate gear for the event.

According to the students, “We are thrilled to be representing Noblesville along with three adult teams in the Noblesville community. Not only are we building our own toboggan, we are also building community.”

Click here for more information and to donate to the GoFundMe campaign.