State Road 37
To learn more about the State Road 37 Improvement Project and sign up to receive text updates, visit
State Road 37 & 141st Street
A pre-construction phase at SR 37 and 141st Street is currently in place. During this phase, 141st Street will be transitioned to a Right-In-Right-Out (RIRO) traffic configuration. This is not the permanent configuration. This will allow for traffic to flow more freely along SR 37 until the next phases of construction can be activated. This will eliminate all backups along SR 37 that have caused dangerous stops to the free flow traffic and backups on the 146th Street interchange. Again, this is not the permanent configuration for 141st Street.
The full timeline for the 141st Street interchange will be provided after project bids are accepted in the Fall of 2023. View detour routes here.
116th Street
Beginning the week of Jan. 16, there will be lane restrictions on eastbound 116th Street from Gray Eagle Drive to Ringer Road between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to allow Comcast to perform aerial work.
Snow & ice control
The Fishers Department of Public Works is responsible for providing snow and ice control for all dedicated streets within city limits. For additional information on the Snow and Ice Control Plan, snow maps, and to report snow concerns, visit the DPW Snow and Ice Control homepage here.
Development Dashboard
The Fishers Planning & Zoning Department has a new Development Dashboard where you can view all development projects that are under construction or in the process of being reviewed. Find it on the Planning & Zoning homepage here.