Westfield Lions welcome three new cubs to pride

Three new members inducted to the Westfield Lions Club. (From left) Ron Mangus, sponsored by Brian Abraham; Melissa Paradise, sponsored by Rodney Benson; and Carrie Larrison, sponsored by Jeff Larrison. (Photo provided by Westfield Lions Club)

Submitted by Larry Clarino

The Westfield Lions Club welcomed three new members into the local pride Thursday night, Jan. 5, at the first program meeting of 2023.

The new Lion cubs are Carrie Larrison, a long-time councilor at Westfield High School and wife of Lions Club Secretary Jeff Larrison; Melissa Paradise, who has returned to Westfield from Austin, Texas; and Ron Mangus of Noblesville, who moved to Westfield to be with the grandkids.

The three new Lions were inducted by Lions Past District Governor Bob Benson, himself a Westfield native. This was the first induction ceremony at the new Lions Clubhouse on 169th Street just west of U.S. 31.

Carrie Larrison was sponsored by Lion Jeff Larrison, with Melissa Paradise sponsored by current president Rodney Benson. Ron Mangus was sponsored by Lion Brian Abraham.

“We are looking to grow so we can get back to doing what Lions do best: serve the community,” Jeff Larrison said. “We are planning service days with Indiana Diabetes Youth Camp, Third Phase Homeless Shelter, and several projects close to our hearts.”

About the Lions
Lions Clubs International is a non-political service organization of over 1.7 million members worldwide, established originally in 1917 in Chicago by Melvin Jones. It now has over 46,000 local clubs in more than 200 countries.

The Lions’ motto is “We Serve.” Local Lions Club programs include sight conservation, hearing and speech conservation, diabetes awareness, youth outreach, international relations, environmental issues, and many other programs.