Immediate detentions dramatically down at HSE Schools

An immediate detention is a situation where police must take a person into custody due to a danger posed to themselves or others around them. An immediate detention is nearly always tied to some mental illness.

Brooke Lawson, Mental Health Coordinator for the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools, told the school board Monday night that immediate detentions in Fishers for those 17 years of age and under are down from 69 in 2016 to only 42 so far in 2017. Lawson credited the mayor’s campaign to battle mental health issues in Fishers, and the school corporation’s participation in that program, as reasons for the dramatic decrease in immediate detentions.

Also at that same board meeting, Superintendent Allen Bourff asked the board if there is interest in using video live streaming and having meetings saved on video for a few weeks after the board session. No board member objected; some were clearly in favor. Dr. Bourff indicated the policy committee will continue to explore how to move forward on the video proposal.

School administrators outlined new course proposals. The board was not asked to take any action but to review the proposals at this time. You can review the new course proposals at this link.

The board approved buying a new payroll software system from Alio. The current software was installed in 1992 and is badly out of date.