The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Sheridan High School Student

The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams.

Andy Williams said it best: Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year.

The lights, the trees, the traditions – anything you can think of. The entire aura that surrounds Christmas is so full of joy. Walking through the snow, shopping all day, I honestly can’t think of anything better.

Christmas is a day where people gather to show gratitude towards one another. People of all ages look to give to those who cannot give themselves. There are so many aspects of the winter season that make Christmas as special as it is.

The music is something I could talk about for hours. The amount of positivity and joy in Christmas songs is unmatchable. It’s the reminder that such a wonderful time has come and there is joy to be spread. Christmas music is almost engineered to bring such a positive neurological response. That’s why such nostalgic feelings are held every time one of those songs can be heard. Many people who have left home have many feelings about Christmas songs. These songs bring back many homesick memories, as well as many good childhood memories.

The real childhood spirit of Christmas has many names. Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, father of Christmas, and the most obvious, Santa Claus. The legend of the man with the bag has been told in many ways. The majority believes he originated from a story in fourth-century Turkey. They believed Saint Nicholas was a man who gave gifts to the poor. The story carried on from there. Children and adults all over the world believe in Santa Claus. The excitement in the belief of him makes his legend all the more joyful.

Christmas movies are something everyone enjoys. Well, some people don’t, but I think they’re wrong. The amount of creativity put into a Christmas movie is remarkable. The Christmas spirit in children can really make the movies even better if you’re going along with it. Children’s movies based on Christmas are something I could never be too old to watch. The older I get, Christmas movies still are such a nostalgic factor of the season. Many of these Christmas movies are based on connections with people or with the spirit of Christmas. That’s why they bring such positive feelings to mind when watching. These movies are another reminder of great memories.

The 25th of December proves to be such an amazing day of the year. So many traditions fall on this day. That’s what makes it such an amazing gathering: gift-giving to the people you love and receiving from the people you’re thankful for. The pretty skies and hopefully, snowy grounds are to live for. Christmas is so unique in so many ways, which makes it so much more different than any other holiday.

Christmas’s legacy lifts so many joyful spirits and reinforces the true meaning of Christmas. Thinking of others and making happy memories is what it’s all about. Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year.

1 Comment on "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"

  1. And may I add Brianna, the birth of the Christ child. The true beginning of Christmas.

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