Some thought starters for your Thanksgiving Day

Submitted by Hamilton County Harvest

Sometime between the first bite of turkey and the last slice of pie, it’ll happen: a lull in the dinner conversation. What will you do next?

If you’re breaking bread with acquaintances, you might turn small talk into smart conversation. But if you’re with family and friends and want to deepen the ties that bind, then try asking one of the following questions around the table, as recommended by Story Corps founder and 2015 TED Prize winner Dave Isay.

  1. What are you grateful for?
  2. What’s been the happiest moment of your life so far?
  3. What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?
  4. Who has been kindest to you?
  5. If your great-great-grandchildren could listen to this years from now: is there any wisdom you’d want to pass on to them? What would you want them to know?
  6. If you could honor one person in your life – living or dead – by listening to their story, who would that be, what would you ask them and why?

Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank is thankful for all of YOU – the generous supporters and donors who help ensure no one goes hungry in Hamilton County. YOUR donations help fill the barrel year-round and ‘meat’ the need to help produce nutritious meals for everyone in need in Hamilton County.

If you’d like to do even more to help fill the barrel, click here to find out how to organize your own food drive for Hamilton County Harvest.

May your tables be blessed by family and friends gathered round. May you be blessed by healthy food to share with each other. May you be blessed by good health and peace. May we all be blessed by a resolve to walk this journey together. May your blessings extend to those in our community who need our prayers today and beyond.