Carmel’s next mayor should get ready for recession

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Dear Editor:

Corey Sylvester’s timely suggestions (The Reporter, Nov. 6, 2022) laid out a battle plan for “recession survival.”

Carmel’s unelected central planners would do well to adopt his plan. Here’s what Sylvester suggested (in part):

  1. Assess your income stability. (Carmel’s property tax revenues show a steady shrinkage in growth rates.)
  2. Review your spending. (Carmel’s expenditures have grown 99.7 percent since 2011 as population increased 27 percent.)
  3. Try to reduce your debts, especially those with high interest rates. (Carmel issued $193.1 million in new debt last year at a total interest over time of $109.4 million or an effective interest rate of 56 percent.)

The incumbent mayor has said he will not seek re-election in 2023. Perhaps his successor will honor Corey Sylvester’s prudent guidelines.

Bill Shaffer

3 Comments on "Carmel’s next mayor should get ready for recession"

  1. Since when do politicians heed the advice from someone who offers their opinion in a letter to the editor?

  2. Saying the “effective interest rate” on the latest bond issuance is 56% is akin to saying the “effective interest rate” on the typical 30-year fixed rate home loan is 137%.

  3. Let Bill be Bill – He’s like the neighbor that constantly offers advice without being solicited for such.
    & runs his leaf blower at 7am on the weekends …

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