Good health policy is critical in fight against drug use among U.S. youth

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Dear Editor:

Our country has made dramatic strides this year in the 2022 legislative session, but these actions haven’t been enough for the people of Indiana.

The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) was reauthorized, but not without the hard work and determination of U.S. Senator Mike Braun who stepped up for Hoosiers.

The legislative divide between Republicans and Democrats has assured the citizens of Indiana that there will not be any productive healthcare legislation in 2022, and we need to return to our values in representing a commitment to America. Healthcare legislation has become far less patient-centered, and our federal officials like Senator Braun need to commit to Hoosiers and focus on policies that will improve our healthcare benefits.

As an active member of the Indiana community, being the Executive Director of the Indiana Federation of College Republicans and Student Body President at Wabash College, I see the effects that drug use has on young people and worry what will happen without our elected officials focusing on proper healthcare. We must reignite our commitment to America and good healthcare so that drugs won’t flood into the community from across the world.

The Indiana community has fighters like Senator Mike Braun and Senator Todd Young, and they must fight to prioritize the quality of healthcare for Indiana residents.

Bryce McCullough