Carmel voter sick of “false allegations” made to influence local elections

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Dear Editor:

Unfortunately, after Carmel school board candidates announced their intent to run, social media and letters to the editor have been fraught with misinformation in a blatant attempt to influence voters. It is so sad to see members of our community putting their desire to “win” a school board race above their own personal integrity.

While the areas of focus for these lies and misrepresentations have been numerous, one of the most ridiculous and absurd has been the claims that candidates are receiving and accepting “national” or “dark” money from Political Action Committees (PACs) and other concerning sources. These claims have been made against the campaign of Jenny Brake, Greg Brown, and Adam Sharp (BBS) by members of the community ranging from the former Superintendent of Carmel Clay Schools (CCS), founders and supporters of a local “grassroots” Political Action Committee focused on the school board election and other parents of children who attend CCS.

Ironically enough, when the Hamilton County Campaign Finance Reports were published online last week, EVERY SINGLE DONATION received by the BBS candidates were donations from individuals. There were certainly donations from out of state family members and friends, but a vast majority of these donations were from local individuals. This information demonstrates that ALL the misguided, ill-conceived, and nefarious claims that have been made against these candidates regarding funding are completely false.

To go further as it relates to PAC funding, there are four candidates who are supported and funded by local PACs. There is also one candidate who has received and accepted money from a state level PAC and used a national, partisan PAC for fundraising. None of these candidates are Jenny Brake, Greg Brown, or Adam Sharp. The campaign finance reports can be found here:

In closing, it is absolutely disgusting to see members of our community make false allegations against other community members in a selfish attempt to influence the outcome they want to see. As we engage in community discussion, I hope that we ALL not only act with the utmost integrity, but that we verify claims that others make by using fact-based primary sources rather than listening to hearsay.

Jon DeBoer

5 Comments on "Carmel voter sick of “false allegations” made to influence local elections"

  1. Great letter. Facts.

    • Margaret T. | November 4, 2022 at 1:43 pm |

      Facts also include that not all campaign finance reports are in at this time. We won’t know until we’ll after the election where all of the claimed funds were sourced; even then the law allows 3rd parties to provide support without it becoming reportable by the candidate, an unfortunate loophole.

  2. And Hannah showing up with a TLDR misleading response in 3, 2..

  3. Jenny Brake | November 6, 2022 at 5:26 pm |

    Thank you Jon for your letter.

    As a candidate in this election cycle, I am very grateful for all of the donations received from friends, family, and community supporters. I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of others and have learned how important it is to give and support those who are running in an election to make a positive difference. Neither Adam, Greg, or I have received any PAC money at all and actually we’ve all had had to pay out of pocket for some of the expenditures.

    Even though PACs can certainly support election candidates, it is ironic that we are accused of that type of financial support when our opponents have received money that way from an exclusive PAC called Support PAC.

  4. So how did this work out?

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