Paxson: Let me set the record straight on crime within Hamilton County

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Dear Editor:

In his candidate profile submitted to the Hamilton County Reporter, my opponent makes claims about public safety in Hamilton County that are simply not supported by any evidence. Allow me to set the record straight.

Violent crimes are not going unprosecuted in Hamilton County. Mr. Garrison can only cite three specific cases to support his conclusion to the contrary – two of which were successfully prosecuted in other jurisdictions because those were the more appropriate venues. I would also note that deputies in the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office have secured convictions in every homicide-related case tried in 2022.

Violent crime is not on the rise in Hamilton County. When factoring in our population growth, the rate of violent crime has actually seen a decrease over the last few years. Claims that Hamilton County is somehow becoming unsafe is nothing more than fearmongering that does a disservice to not only our dedicated deputy prosecutors but our top-notch law enforcement officers as well.

Jessica Paxson
Democratic candidate for Hamilton County Prosecutor

1 Comment on "Paxson: Let me set the record straight on crime within Hamilton County"

  1. Tim Cortrecht | November 2, 2022 at 10:10 am |

    So crime is not increasing at the same rate the population is. Ok, but I’d ask why have I had a drug raid with SWAT and a drive by shooting in my neighborhood in the last 3 years if violent crime isn’t getting worse? Those are the types of crimes we moved back to Noblesville to avoid.

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