Noblesville student gets tech repair experience

Noblesville High School student and Noble Geeks Intern Aaron Pharis builds a computer. (Reporter photo by Nik Roberts)

A few months ago, Noblesville High School student Aaron Pharis approached Noble Geeks Computer and Phone Repair Center about an internship opportunity. Owner Nik Roberts said he was thrilled to show someone the ropes of technology and inspire a young mind.

“It’s something I want to go for in college,” Pharis said. “I want to attend Ball State’s Information Technology program.”

Since Pharis started to intern with Noble Geeks, he now knows how to troubleshoot computer devices and even build them. When asked what was the number one thing he has learned, he said troubleshooting because “hardware isn’t very kind and can take a minute to figure out.”

Roberts says he has future plans to implement more programs educating the community.

“I want to start an easy-going class for the elderly,” Roberts said. “I feel it’s important everyone knows how to use this wonderful technology most of us use at ease.”