Carmel voter: it’s time to demand schools return to educating children

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Dear Editor:

While citizens have come to expect yellow journalism from big tech and the mainstream media, most are shocked to learn that the Carmel Clay Schools are using similar tactics to influence the approaching school board elections.

In particular, the current Carmel Clay School Board is allowing the use of school websites, social media, and school generated emails to publish and disseminate a series of fact-checking articles designed to convince voters that our school board and superintendent are performing satisfactorily.

While the citizens of Carmel are smart enough to understand that self-proclaimed fact checkers typically conceal their inaccuracies and conflicts of interest by packaging their “facts” in a biased and unbalanced manner, this behavior cannot be allowed to go unchecked.

Our school board and superintendent need to be reminded that they serve at the pleasure of the Carmel taxpayers and are not allowed to use their position, power, and influence in a self-serving manner. Their current behavior makes clear that they are misappropriating taxpayer funds and violating school board policy by publishing and disseminating information in the hope of influencing the election, thereby securing their personal futures.

The voters of Carmel need to demand that our schools stop wasting taxpayer funds and return to the business of educating our children. The voters alone will determine if the school board and superintendent are open, transparent, and performing adequately. The voters will make their opinion known by voting for the candidates of their choice. That, ladies and gentlemen is a FACT, NOT FICTION.

Before you vote, go to to learn more about a trio of candidates who are dedicated to restoring academic excellence in Carmel Clay Schools. Then vote Brake, Brown, and Sharp for Carmel Clay School Board.

Cindy Black

4 Comments on "Carmel voter: it’s time to demand schools return to educating children"

  1. Amen!
    Carmel schools have gone woke and government controlled.
    Carmel citizens want NO government dictating us about education.
    Get parents back in the schools!
    Get back to teaching.

    School boards need input from parents more than ever now.
    Sex religion and ideology should not be part of our schooling!

  2. Joyce Stoddard | October 16, 2022 at 6:31 pm |

    This wise person speaks for many of us who won’t bother to write She certainly speaks for me.

  3. Yes voters- please review the involvement of the candidates who are active in the schools right now or have been in the last 5 years. Who has their OWN children in the school system right now? This is important to understand how things work. Talk to teachers about what they need and how they see their jobs and who supports them. It is important to make informed decisions not just on vague statements put out by some of the candidates.

  4. 1 1/2 years ago I became concerned with Carmel Clay Schools when they REFUSED to provide Panorama survey questions to parents. Today, Carmel Clay Schools refuses to provide to parents their child’s responses to the Panorama survey questions due to “confidentiality.” That’s right… they will not provide your child’s responses, or the intervention plan created based on your child’s responses due to “confidentiality.” NOW that is scary!

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