A government by the people, for the people … unless you vote Republican?

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Dear Editor:

The League of Women Voters is a 102-year-old nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that focuses on educating and empowering voters. They have facilitated candidate debates and forums for years. Giving voters the opportunity to hear from the candidates in a public forum is a cornerstone of the democratic process.

It was a real shame, then, that every single Republican refused to attend the recent League of Women Voters of Hamilton County Indiana forums on Oct. 4 and 6. Republicans Alex Choi, James Buck, Donna Schaibley, Gerald Torr, Fred Glynn, Mike Gaskill, Chris Jeter, and Kyle Walker all snubbed the Democrat candidates, their voters and constituents, and decades of precedence and common courtesy by failing to participate in these important public forums.

Democrats Josh Lowry, JD Ford, Dr. Victoria Garcia-Wilburn, Joey Mayer, Tamie Dixon-Tatum, Donna Griffin, Jocelyn Vare, and Matt McNally were all present to answer voter questions and talk more about their campaigns.

We need to hold Republican candidates, and Indiana GOP leadership, accountable for their failure to fairly participate in the democratic process. This is not an issue isolated to Hamilton County. All over the state, a majority of Republican candidates are ignoring or outright refusing to participate in moderated community forums and debates, and some are even “conveniently” scheduling other events during these times.

Public debate and appearing in a public forum has been a cornerstone of democracy since … forever. Why is it all of a sudden that Republicans are hiding from their voters?

Kaitie Rector


3 Comments on "A government by the people, for the people … unless you vote Republican?"

  1. Hondo Randermann | October 13, 2022 at 4:04 am |

    I surmise that if Republican candidates were to engage in a debate, the public would see the truth about them. So, it is better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open their mouths and prove they are fools.

  2. Susie Kennedy | October 13, 2022 at 9:44 pm |

    Patty over country. Shame on them

  3. Cathy A Sutton | October 15, 2022 at 7:42 pm |

    Apparently, the Republican Party chair in Hamilton County has claimed that the League of Women Voters chapter in our county has shown favoritism toward Democratic candidates. Therefore, he has directed his candidates not to participate in any of these debates. I have seen no evidence of favoritism, nor has he provided any specifics. At any rate, Republican candidates are a no show across the state. Diego Morales did not even bother to respond to the League of Women Voters invitations to participate in the Secretary of State Debate. Nonetheless, Democrat Destiny Wells and the Libertarian candidate both participated. Current Fifth District Congresswoman, Victoria Spartz, also refuses to debate her opponent Democrat Jeannine Lee Lake. She seems to prefer to attend “Republicans Only” events. I have not seen one single event that Spartz has attended that welcomed the general public.

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