Noblesville voter not pleased with city’s handling of Pleasant Street

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Dear Editor:

I have been wondering why the three restaurants at 10th and Pleasant had to close so suddenly.

I was in the area over a month ago and stopped and asked an employee when they would be closing and the person said, “The city wants us closed in a day or so.”

I have been in the area several times, and nothing has changed in over a month. Why? I’m sure employees at all the locations could have used another month’s income during these trying times. Not a fan of the route of the new bypass which should have been handled a couple decades ago.

A couple more things I’m not pleased with: Logan/Flower Bridge was to cost under $3 million but cost over $4 million. The need for a new city logo. The one with The Historic Court House was fine. Certainly, in the heart of the city, just observe on Friday and Saturday night year-round. That’s where the people are observing people and cars. You can observe a beautiful logo by pulling up the Hamilton County Reporter. I remember one of the reasons a city employee said we need a new logo is “the courthouse is not even on city property.”

I’ve been a Republican all my life and will always be, but I urge you to educate yourselves about the candidates. Incumbents should be judged on what they accomplished and not just a candidate with seniority. Republicans and Democrats alike have no problem in spending your money.

Can’t wait to hear what the new Hamilton County Fairgrounds will cost. I’m certain it will be considerably more than the figure that was given.

Richard McDivitt

5 Comments on "Noblesville voter not pleased with city’s handling of Pleasant Street"

  1. Kelly Collins | October 6, 2022 at 7:04 am |

    Totally agree with you Richard Mcdivit!

  2. Totally agree with everything u said so the three restaurants will sit there empty for years to come what a waste of our taxes

  3. Rebecca Duvall | October 6, 2022 at 5:42 pm |

    The only question I have is Why stay a Republican if you want change, when you don’t change. Just a thought. Those decisions you are unhappy with are all Republican decisions?

    • Larry Snair | October 7, 2022 at 3:18 am |

      He’s a republican just as I am and wants Republicans to rule as such. We don’t want an even worse choice and go Democrat as we see what Biden and Pelosi are doing to our country. Get real, if you’re a Democrat, say and act like one. If you are an actual Democrat like Jenson, say your a Democrat. A 13.8% increase in city spending is a democrat idea. Jenson will dishonestly run again as a fake republican because he knows he can’t be honest that he is certainly a Democrat. So sad.

  4. It would be an interesting & illuminating study to see just how many City or County projects have come in on budget in the last twenty years.

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